How Does Contrave Work for Weight Loss?

If you expect this medicine to act like magic and make you slim overnight, then you are thinking wrong. Yes, the drug works when combined with exercise and diet. It is a non-stimulant drug made up of bupropion and naltrexone. Nausea, sleeplessness, and headaches are reported as the common side effects of the drug. The doctor may prescribe to start the drug in smaller doses and gradually to larger ones. 

Food craving and emotional eating are linked to each other and this medicine can be an effective tool to deal with such issues. With Contrave, there are several recommended practices to follow to extract positive effects of the medicine while minimising unwanted effects. The noteworthy point here is that the results may vary from person to person. So, what works for one may not work for another. 

Below, we’ll go over seven pharmacist-backed guidelines for consuming Contrave to achieve your health goals.

  1. Avoid Contrave with foods having high-fat content 

Certainly, the medicine will not produce the desired results if you combine it with high-fat-containing meals because such ingredients absorb the drug in the body. This can lead to side effects like seizures. Moreover, foods with high-fat content are not in sync with weight-loss goals. So, what foods should be avoided?

Cheese, oily foods, bacon, and sugary products should not be consumed with Contrave. Though salmon, avocado, and nut butter are healthier fat-containing items, these too can interfere with Contrave’s results. So, the ideal tip is to eat a balanced and healthy diet. You may take the help of a dietician who can give you a meal plan that works best with Contrave. 

  1. Gradual Shift From Lower To Higher Dose of Contrave

Contrave has to get adjusted in your body and may need time. So, it’s best to start with low doses and gradually shift to more in the following weeks. Since, the drug is known to cause potential side effects like high blood pressure, nausea, and headache; it’s best to allow time for the medicine to adjust in your body. This strategy will allow the drug to acclimatise in the body to produce the desired results. 

Taking two tablets in a day is the maximum daily limit of the drug and you should not exceed it. People with liver or kidney problems should not have more than one dose daily. Take it under a doctor’s supervision to play safe.

  1. Monitor Your Blood Pressure

If you are an individual having high blood pressure, then you need to be cautious before taking such medicines. It can increase your heart rate as well and all these side effects cannot be ignored as these can be life-threatening. Your doctor will monitor your heart rate and BP while you start taking the drug. You will be advised to monitor the same and record any irregularities. 

  1. Contrave Should Be Cut or Chewed

You have to swallow the drug because that’s the way to consume it. No chewing or cutting of the medicine is allowed because such acts can lead to higher absorption of medicine in the human which is not desirable. 

  1. Maintain Water Content

While it is essential to stay hydrated, it is even more important to maintain an adequate water content in the body when taking Contrave. Signs of dehydration are dark coloured urine, constipation, and dry mouth and skin. 

  1. Avoid or Limit Alcohol

Maintaining hydration in the body does not mean to treat alcohol as a substitute for water. Rather alcohol can interfere with the body while taking Contrave. It can lead to liver problems, seizures, confusion, and undesirable thoughts in the mind. Moreover, the high calorie content in alcohol will interfere with your weight loss goals too.

  1. Combine Contrave With Lifestyle Changes

It is a great idea to have a nutritious diet that has the vital minerals and vitamins on one hand and is calorie deficit on the other. The combination of nutritious diet, regular exercise, and Contrave can help achieve good results. A balance of all the three can be very beneficial in maintaining the ideal weight loss goals.

An important thing to note here is that pregnant ladies should not consume Contrave because weight loss during pregnancy is not healthy as it can directly impact the growth of the baby in the foetus. Contrave contains bupropion and naltrexone, which can transfer into breast milk and harm a nursing baby. Lactating women should not consume Contrave.

What is the Best Way to Take Contrave?

 It has been discussed that you need to start with small doses before shifting to larger ones. Here is the schedule that one should follow:

1One in the morning
2One in the morning and one in the evening.
3Two in the morning and one in the evening.
4Two in the morning and two in the evening.

Warning: Do not take more than four tablets in a day. 

Ladies face weight issues post pregnancy. It becomes embarrassing for them to move in the society with post-pregnancy weight. So, if you are looking for a mummy makeover, you can combine Contrave (after taking doctor’s advice) with exercise and a healthy diet to achieve your weight loss goals. 

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